Monday, December 19, 2005

The morning breakfast is good at the Bayyork Sky Hotel. You can chose Chinese style or western style type or try small amount of both. This is the Mee Hoon (Thai style) with meat ball. Very tasty. Posted by Picasa
It time to clear leave. 2 - 6 Dec 2005 is the day to Bangkok for a short holiday. It is free and easy type with CS and his family. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 29, 2005

President is saying hello to you, I mean the man in the new paper. Posted by Picasa

"Hey, your hand is cover your face !" Posted by Picasa

Look at the sky ... Posted by Picasa

"This big ! " Posted by Picasa

Any news ? Posted by Picasa

Bycle rental shop
The bycle rental shop was not at the town but at a rental location which you need to take a taxi to reach there. Ask the taxi drive that you want to rent a bycle and the shop is near the seaside so that he can send you there and arrange the shop owner to be there.

This arrangement is to rent a bycle that half way to the town and you can ride the bycle to the town.Posted by Picasa

Half way to the town. Posted by Picasa

Sea food for the hard work at the restaurent. Posted by Picasa

Take a break at the rest point. Posted by Picasa

Let go into the water ... Posted by Picasa

V for victor ... Posted by Picasa

I am ready for the camera .. Posted by Picasa

Smile and look here ... Posted by Picasa

Seaside near the resource. Posted by Picasa

Coffee shop at the corner. Posted by Picasa

"Add one more ?" Posted by Picasa

"How come so heavy ? " Posted by Picasa

"Uncle, I alway buy from you, give some discount lah .." Posted by Picasa

I think it will weight at least 2 kg and after cycle for 15 km it will become 20 kg. Posted by Picasa

Bycle park outside the shop for a night. Shop owner or inn keeper will lock the bycle at night. Posted by Picasa

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